Fur Baby Favorites

One of my favorite things I get to be in this life is a dog Mom and a Dog/Cat Sister. I love my babies more than anything and I love to spoil them when I can. It brings me joy. I am excited to share my fur baby favorites!.  

As always, thank you so much for buying through my affiliated links as I get tiny commissions for some purchases made through links in this post at no extra cost to you. So, thank you for supporting and shopping small through me. It means the world to me. 

Personalized Velvet Collars

First up are these personalized velvet collars. When we finally purchased these for a Christmas gift for the girls, they all looked like they received a makeover. The velvet is gorgeous and comes in many colors. I love these because you can get their names engraved on the front and the number in the back so when you take photos you don’t accidentally share your address or phone number with anyone who sees it. With their old collars, there were many photos I wouldn’t share because my information was too visible and it made me uncomfortable so getting these collars have been amazing! I love the brass gold color I chose for the buckle. This shop is my favorite and I highly recommend. 


Next up is this seatbelt and vest combo for car rides. I started using these seatbelts on our dogs once I saw a video of how a dog gets thrown through a window in an accident. I learned how small dogs can break their necks from putting the breaks on too hard and hitting the dashboard or back of a chair, so I found these and I haven’t looked back. It’s the perfect design to keep them safe and not hurt or choke them if there is an accident. You buckle it into the buckle just like an ordinary seatbelt and if you have more than one fur baby and only one buckle, you can buy the duel seatbelt that has one buckle and two bungie clasps. I have also included some more safety items like the cat safety basket if you use code CHELSEADIANE get up to 20% off.

WLO Modern Wood Dog Crates and Beds

Next, we have cabin style beds and crates. This is a dream item for me that I want to get my girls to replace the crates/beds they have now. How adorable are these?!

I not only love how they look, but guess what? They are made of nontoxic materials from the wood to the cushions! So it’s it’s keeping your pets and your environment nontoxic and healthy. They use certified anti-allergic fabric materials, which are easy to wash and clean and also contain no harmful chemicals.

Bark Box

Have you heard of Bark Box? It’s a monthly subscription box with toys and treats for your fur baby. We contacted them and opted for an all toy box so all the girls get a toy and because I like to give the girls different treats so they can do an all toy box replacing the treats with more toys. When we open, I give them the treats I buy them as well. I love that they’re themed each month. Like I said above, if you sign up through my link, you shop small through me and I get a tiny commission at no extra cost or you so it would be so lovely if you decided to subscribe, you do so through my link here. 


Let’s talk Ramps. If you have smaller dogs, especially dogs with long backs like a dachshund, they are more prone to Intervertebral disc disease, or IVDD. Although dachshunds are more prone to this, it can happen to any dog without you even knowing it until one day one jump or fall ruptures a herniated disc that was already on the brink because of this disease and risk getting what is called Myelomalacia which is a softening of the spinal cord which is fatal caused by an injury of an already herniated disk. This happened to my dog Jackman. He was only 7 and he was always jumping off my high bed. I didn’t know anything about this or that he was having spine issues and shouldn’t be jumping from the bed or the couch or running down the stairs. I found out when it was too late after he jumped off the bed at a bad angle one day. Three days later, after going to the hospital and fighting like hell to save him, he was gone. It was the most devastating time of my life as he was my best friend. So, that’s when I learned about what causes Myelomalacia and that dogs with IVDD, or who are more prone to IVDD, need to use a ramp for getting off the bed, should be carried down the stairs so their spines don’t get that shock every day(it’s okay for them to go up the stairs), to make sure they are at a healthy weight and being mindful of them jumping off things. I’ve been using a ramp for my bed every since for any of my fur babies. I don’t want to risk that ever happening again so I want to make sure I protect their spines from developing IVDD or any injury like Jackman had. We also have one for the couch as well. Here are some ramps. The ones I have are the first 3 items below and you can use code CHELSEADIANE for 20% off at AlphaPaw!

Kitty Tree

For our Sweet Emma girl, we got her this Cat tree. The litter we use is called Open Nature Natural Grass Seed litter to limit exposure to toxins.


I’m sure you’ve seen these before. Furbo cameras allow you to keep an eye on your babies when you’re gone and send them treats. We have one and I love the peace of mind it gives me when I’m not home with them.

Flea and Tick

Cedarcide original bug spray is a nontoxic alternative for keeping your pets safe from fleas, ticks and other insects. Put the original spray along the backside of their collar, their paws and fur. Cedarwood essential oils are safe for dogs and humans. If you have any babies under 6 months old, use with caution and look up if it’s safe to be around, but other than that, you’re good! What I love about Cedarcide is that it’s made with nontoxic ingredients yet it’s still effective at repelling and killing on contact so putting it on your dogs and in your yards is safe for them and you. Cedarcide recommends using the original tick spray in the green bottle for dogs and use the tick shield in the (yellow bottle which is stronger) on humans. Another reason I like Cedarcide the most is because other nontoxic tick sprays that use lemongrass have attracted bees to me so I’d rather just stick with the cedarwood. It’s protected us so far. My brother who is a wildland fire fighter has his fire fighter friends hooked on this stuff because it works. It also has amazing reviews for people who use them in their yards, gardens and pets who are outside a lot. They also have shampoo, conditioner, and yard treatments.


Supplements and Treats 

As you know, I am plant based and advocate for a compassionate lifestyle. When it comes to my fur babies, I’m still figuring out how to navigate this so if anything I suggest contains animal products, I’m really trying to learn while also listening to what my fur babies need or respond to. As long as I’m doing my part and making changes where I can. I do struggle a bit when I know there’s animal products and I’m doing my research, but for right now, this is what we do. It could shift or change in the future. These are the supplements and treats we get. 

Extras I Love

Including all the nontoxic items I use for brushing their teeth, baths and more.


Valentine’s Day: Pet Edition