Survival Guide For Women’s Time of the Month 

My time of the month used to be more difficult than it is now. Although I still get more symptomatic around my period, I’m not longer as miserable “down there” and I’m able to manage my cramps so much better. 

Let’s start with period underwear. These have been a GAME CHANGER for me. To be honest, I was going through way more pads than I’d care to admit because it hurt too much to wear tampons and tampons are extremely toxic as well, so I avoided them for multiple reasons. Because I wore so many pads, I was extremely uncomfortable every time my time came around each month. I couldn’t even move because it was so uncomfortable. Enter, period underwear!!! I tried my first pair and my life changed. I’m not being dramatic. Every single month being that uncomfortable to where you can’t move or feel comfortable going anywhere, it was not fun. Now with period underwear, I feel free. I can sleep on my back without fear of leaking, I can walk, sit or stretch without feeling like I’m wearing a diaper, no more rashes from the pad rubbing… it has changed my cycle for me. I’ve had a few people who I mentioned these to, try them, and they wrote me saying they love them and they’re never going back. Me either!  AND you’re contributing less waste every month so it’s much better for the environment! Yay! 

As always, thank you so much for buying through my affiliated links as I get small commissions for purchases made through links in this post. So, thank you for supporting me.

Let’s get started…

These are the period underwear I buy. 

-Overnight underwear three pack in black 

More styles: 

-Leakproof Bikini Style in black

-Leakproof Hipster 

-Absorbent Boy Shorts 

Bambody doesn’t have a toxic chemical called PFAS that name brands like Thinx have in them. I know the brand Joyja also doesn’t have PFAS in their underwear, so I’m looking into getting some there too and they have more inclusive sizes. But for me, the Bambody Underwear have been life changing and leak proof. 

Next on our survival guide, we have teas that have helped my mood and my cramps.

-Healthy cycle tea has raspberry leaf tea which is so good for the reproductive system and aids in regulating hormones and warding off crampies. You can also chop up a garlic clove and take as a pill with some water to help as well. 

-Peppermint tea and ginger tea help with nausea, cramps, and inflammation

I put healthier chocolate, cookies and ice cream alternatives for the ladies who have cravings. These will be much less likely to cause more inflammation, mucus and cramps as it’s not full of gluten, dairy and more. 

-Chocolate Chip Cookies 

-Organic Vanilla Ice Cream 

-Organic cookies and cream ice cream

-Organic mint chip ice cream

-Strawberry cheesecake ice cream

-Unreal peanut butter cups

-Unreal Crispy Quinoa Chocolate Gems Dark Chocolate

Staying hydrated is incredibly important any time of your cycle, so regular lemon water and coconut water throughout is so helpful for any period symptoms you may experience. 

I use this essential oil roll on for headaches, migraines and nausea. 

Cramps always feel better with heat on the tummy. You can have a heating pad and/or a hot water bottle to cuddle under the blankets while you drink your tea, eat your cookies and finally feel comfortable in your period undies. I hope this helps! 

With Love, 

Chelsea Diane 


Eco Gift Guide Part One.


My Top Picks: Boody Eco Wear