Easter Candy Swaps

As a kid, I grew up on all the classic Easter candies… chocolate bunny, cream egg, Reese‘s peanut butter cups, jelly beans, and more. Now that I know what and who is in these “classic” treats and what goes into make them, putting them in my body isn’t an option. Animal bone, Carcinogens, dairy, gluten, toxic coloring… all of which aren’t compassionate and extremely inflammatory with some ingredients having even been known to cause cancer. But the good news is, it it’s a tradition and you have to have candy on Easter, there are much better options. Although I don’t endorse eating these all the time because they’re still processed candy, they are much better than the conventional candy. So, if you’re looking for Easter candy you can feel better about putting in baskets and eating on Easter Day that are compassionate, organic and healthier options, yet still sooo yummy, I found amazing swaps!

As always, thank you for any purchases made through the links on my blog as some are commissionable so I get a tiny commission at no extra cost to you so it’s like you’re shopping small through me and the support means the world, so thank you!

Peta also has a list of cruelty free, animal approved Easter candy here.

I hope you will choose some of these yummy swaps for your Easter. Thank you for being here.


Organic Compassionate Popcorn


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