EMFs and Radiation Protection

EMFs. Electro Magnetic Frequencies. Also known as Radiation. I myself am still learning about this; how to protect oneself from radiation. We are bombarded with environmental toxins including Radiation. We have no control over what’s being done, but we can take steps to limit exposure and protect ourselves. Radiation is coming at us from every direction and now with a huge wave of 5G rolling out, we’re at an even greater risk of our health being affected. Symptoms included, but not limited to headaches, nausea, dizziness, burning and tingling, irritability, weakened immune system and more. The good news is there are tools we can use to protect ourselves. 

Here is what I’ve learned so far and I will add to the list if I learn more (in no particular order of importance):

1. Turning off 5G on your cell phone. If you have apple: Settings —Cellular—Cellular data options— Voice and data —if it’s on 5G, change it to 4G, 3G or LTE. If you don’t have apple, research what to do for your phone. “How to turn off 5G.”

2. Place salt lamps around your house. Salt lamps help to counteract the harmful electronic vibrations caused by your electronic devices.We have them all over our home.

Tap on the images to grab your own.

3. I’m hoping to save up to get this for our home because I’ve heard from multiple people it’s a game changer. Use code CHELSEADIANE for 10% off.

4. Placing these EMF harmonizing stickers on your devices. People have reported less symptoms while using devices when incorporating these into their lives. Put the smart dots on devices like mobile phone, computers, and Wi-Fi routers, the sleep dots on your bed, bio dots on a piece of jewelry or watch (something you can wear), and pet dots on your fur babies. I personally started with the smart dot putting those on devices first.

Use Code CHELSEADIANE for 20% off any full price products excluding sale and jewelry.

5. Protective garments and blankets. I have a beanie I wear when I know I’ll on my devices for a while to protect my brain and there are shirts, tanks, hats, underwear, belly bands for expecting Mamas, Baby garments, bras and even grounding/shielding blankets. I really want to get one of the blankets, cap and another beanie. The products are lined in silver that block, shield and protect the body from harmful EMFs. Below are products I’ve looked into to make sure they are tested. I actually went to get my weekly Infusion at the medical center and when they scanned by body, the monitor showed pure black on my head instead of the normal colors of either green, yellow or red because the beanie actually blocked it from penetrating my brain! I already knew the beanies were good, but when I see things like that, I feel so validated that my brain is actually being protected and that when I share products like this with you, I know I am sharing truly helpful information.

Lambs is cruelty free and vegan. There are no animal products or wool used in any of their products, nor do they test on animals. I make sure to ask companies many questions before I align with them.

-Use Code CHELSEADIANE for 15% off your whole order from Lambs

-Use Code CHELSEADIANE for 5% off Shield Apparels

All the pictures are clickable links so just tap on the photo.

6. AirPod’s radiation goes directly into your brain so if you have to wear them, these airpod emf stickers have good reviews and have been tested for any airpod users out there.

You can use my code CHELSEADIANE for 15% off.

7. Turn on Airplane mode on your phone as often as you can.

8. Turn off your Bluetooth in settings (not the drop down option) on iPhone so it’s not constantly search for something to pair with,

9. Don’t sleep next to your phone. It’s best to not have any electronics on or in your room while you sleep. If it’s unavoidable, try to unplug and turn everything off a few hours before bed. Put your phone on airplane mode if you have to use it for your alarm and if you don’t feel comfortable having it on airplane mode in case there’s an emergency, put the ringing on loud and place as far away as you can.

10. Grounding or Earthing. Putting your bare feet on the earth helps draw out and neutralize positive ions and radiation. Getting out in nature is important. When you can’t, go put your feet in the grass or dirt outside for a while to mitigate the affects of radiation. It calms your nervous system and helps bring you back into balance. 

11. Eat whole, organic foods that rid radiation from your body like romaine lettuce, wild blueberries, cherries, grapes, limes, lemons, avocado, oranges, cruciferous vegetables( broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage), artichokes, radishes, onions, sweet potatoes, ginger, dulse, and nettle leaf (tea or tincture.)

You can also drink this Radiation Tea a few times a week as well. Especially after you’ve had any kind of test done like an MRI, Cat Scan, X Ray, etc because your body exposed to a high amount of radiation.

According to Anthony Williams, “Radiation is a leading contributor to cancers, endocrine system dysfunction, bone diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporosis, bone spurs, immune system failure, and skin diseases. It's also a trigger for every other illness that can affect you. Thankfully, It is possible to remove radiation from your body with the healing foods.”

12. Place Orgonite around your house, next to the tv, Wi-Fi router, in corners and under your bed. We like to use these tower busters that have been tested with an emf meter for effectiveness. Just send them a message on their Instagram.

13. Welcome live plants in your house that absorb radiation such as Snake Plant, Golden Pathos, Rubber Plant and Peace Lilly. (Here are some photo examples not clickable links like all the other photos.)

14. Limit your screen time. iPhones have a screen time setting where you can set a daily limit and downtime hours to remind yourself and keep you aware of how much you’re on your device.

15. Certain crystals have protective qualities. I’m still researching this, but one I know for sure is tigers eye so I wear a bracelet every day to protect me. Other crystals that are known to protect you are Tourmaline, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz and Smokey Quartz. Head over to Etsy through me to find high quality crystals, bracelets and necklaces.

16, Try your best not to use a microwave. Instead, warm things up on the stove.

17. When you travel or go to the airport, request that your bags and yourself get checked off to the side and opt out of going through the security scanners as that has such a high amount of radiation, it will stay on your bags and emit radiation long after.
You can read more about luggage radiation here.
After reading this, I researched how to limit exposure and protect yourself which is why I suggest opting out of the scanners. It is just a simple detour that takes 10-15 minutes longer. It’s worth it for your health.

18. Replace a metal frame with a wood frame. Metal frames attract and absorb emfs more than a different material. Avocado Mattress frames are what I suggest to use. They are Nontoxic, contain Zero VOCs, and are Eco Friendly so it’s much better for your health.

19. If you have a smart meter on your home, ask the electric company to remove it, replace it with the old manual meter and opt for someone to come check it manually once a month instead. Opting for this option is actually a really great step because SmartMeters emits a huge amount of harmful radiation that penetrates through walls and into your home.

If you can’t opt out, you can get a smart meter cover like this one. I’m not affiliated with this brand or any of the underlined links above, but I want to share with you everything I can to protect yourself.

Those are all the tips I have for now! I didn’t realize how much extensive knowledge I have about this until I started to write it all down! Thank you for your patience as I put this together. I want you all to be educated on how to protect against this because your health is most important. I am sending you so much love as you navigate how to protect you and your loved ones.

Thank you for being here.

With Love,

Chelsea Diane

Side note: I do not recommend getting any emf phone cases that are advertised as there have been reports of it actually doing the opposite and always do your research, read reviews, make sure they have a big social media following and legit website, have been thoroughly tested because there are many scammers out there who prey on people who are desperate for protection from these harmful environmental toxins.


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